Maria is a photographer based in Barcelona. Besides her main career in Biomedicine, photography always moved her so she started studying by herself when she was fourteen and working since she was sixteen as a photographer.
Although she started shooting with digital cameras, analog photography quickly caught her attention. Due to its interest in analog photography she started to investigate more about experimental techniques like Cyanotype, Tricolor Cyanotype, Van Dyke, Film swap or Film soup among others.
- Nature Photography course I (UB, Barcelona)
- Nature Photography II (UB, Barcelona)
- The Photography course (Central Saint Martins, University of Arts, London).
- Tècniques antigues de fotografia (Centre Cívic Pati Llimona, Barcelona)
- Gran Formato (La Perversa, Barcelona)
- Laboratori en Blanc i Negre (Espai Francesc Català Roca, Barcelona)
Awards & Nominations:
- Fotomercè 2016 award, Barcelona
- NS arquitectes exhibtion, Barcelona
- Saint Martins, London
- Sant Jordi UB award, Barcelona
- Exposició Sonatek, Barcelona
- Exposició Naw Bostik, Barcelona
- Exposició Studio Baxton, Brussels
- PhotoNature 2017 UB award, Barcelona
- The Holy Art collective exhibition 2021, London
- Analog Forever Magazine collective exhibition, Online
- EXP.22 collective exhibition, Barcelona
- maybe.magazine analogue magazine 2022 featured
- By Hand: Alternative Processes finalist collective exhibition, Texas, USA